Some collection of code snippets that I put for easy access, feel free to reuse!
Absolute Import
––– likes•Setting up Absolute Imports with jsconfig
Authentication Context
––– likes•Great way to structure authentication context in React apps.
Blur Loader with Cloudinary
––– likes•Achieve 'Gatsby-like' Blur Loader using Cloudinary, and Next Image.
Conditional Link
––– likes•Component that can differentiate between internal link or new tab link
Conventional Commits Readme
––– likes•Conventional commits documentation for
Efficient Youtube Embed
––– likes•Lib usage so your youtube embed won't bloat your website
Husky, Commitlint, and Prettier Configuration
––– likes•Configuration to check commit message, and run prettier pre-commit
React Hot Toast
––– likes•Current favorite lib for toast notifications, with some custom hook and implementation
Search Debounce
––– likes•Debounce is used so the search input won't fire useEffect each changes
Seo Component
––– likes•Seo component for Next.js
Sticky Navigation
––– likes•Navigation Bar with position sticky, and will show shadow if not on top
Tailwind CSS Base Style
––– likes•Base style I usually add to headings and body after preflight.
––– likes•Avoid error if window has not loaded
––– likes•Next themes library configuration for dark mode with tailwindcss